Today was my last day of work. I distributed all my project files to co-workers. I forwarded emails that someone may one day need to whomever I thought might need it. I moved my electronic files from my own personal drive to a shared department drive. I verified my last time & attendance sheet. I had lunch with my favorite co-worker (and friend). I turned in my keycard and ID card. I said my goodbyes and my thank yous. And then I walked out of my office for the last time, taking one final glance at the nameplate beside my door.
I am no more Theresa Blackinton: Editor. There is a blank under my name. A space waiting to be filled. I am nothing, and I am everything. I am whatever I choose to be. I am free.
Yes, it is the end of the world as I know it.
But you know what? I do indeed feel fine.
You had your own nameplate…and you left?
Love it! Can’t wait to feel that too.
Yeah, I agree with Mark. With braille, to boot.
My office door says, “Assistant Directors of Composition.” I added my personalization by printing out a personal info sheet and taping it above the sign.
I did get to move from the basement to the third floor. Still no windows.
Congratulations! What it must feel like to be free…
Free at last! They could have given you the name plate to store in your Mom’s basement. It’s not like they’ll be able to give it to someone else to use.
I never even had a door–let alone a name plate. In the year and a half I was at my last job they couldn’t even be bothered to print out a cheap little cardboard sign to hang on my cubicle like some of the other people had.
Anyway, congrats on being free 🙂 It’s a great feeling!
Felicidades and enjoy your new found freedom.
Hi Theresa! Thanks SO much for sharing this website with me. It’s amazing! I’ve been catching up on past posts and am so excited to read about & see pics of how your trip goes. I am also looking forward to buying all the wonderful travel (and other!) books you are sure to write 🙂
You know me and what a geek I am about process & the “how to” – the posts on logistics are fascinating. You have a true talent for making (what some may consider) mundane details not just palatable but interesting. I especially appreciate your frank discussion of the details/topics that might be touchy but are also likely the most crucial. You don’t sugarcoat the difficulties, but you make it all seem honestly attainable and worth the effort without offering platitudes or false hopes – huge! (To me at least. I hate that feel good “it’s so easy anyone can do it” crap that just happens to skip over all the really important complicated details.)
Even though I’m sad to see you leave SAAM, I am so beyond excited for you. What you are doing and the way you are presenting it? Truly inspiring. Very motivating. I’m already planning trips in my head! And I can’t wait to see what else you have to say.
Happy trails and best of luck in all your endeavors (travel and otherwise)! I’ll be rooting for you from afar.